Wider Curriculum
Through working with subject hubs, secondary partners, reading reseach and findings from OfSTED, have devised a knowledge rich curriculum, based on the National Curriculum programmes of study, which sequences knowledge, concepts and skills. We believe it is vitally important that children develop secure understanding of each key block of knowledge in order to progress to the next stage as insecure, superficial understanding will not allow genuine progression.
In our mixed-aged classes, we have devloped a rolling programme to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are covered and link back to our progression documents.
We view knowledge and understanding as encompassing not only established facts, but also concepts, ideas, themes and theories. These different forms of subject specific knowledge interlink and are mutually dependent.
Through our curriculum, children:
• learn key subject specific facts and vocabulary
• build knowledge developed through the understanding of concepts and generalisations, enabling pupils to identify processes, different perspectives and values
• experience high quality enquiry, having the opportunity to make decisions and problem solve
• have the opportunity to engage mentally with questions about people, society, environment and the planet. This means they identify, assimilate, analyse and communicate data of various kinds, and learn the skills to do so productively
• learn how to think and act like a subject specific practitioner
Researchers have emphasised the growing importance of being able to understand, interpret and apply knowledge in various situations (OECD Future of Education and Skills 2019). This is why we link some of our subject specific teaching through an enquiry question.
Our use of an enquiry question secures pupil engagement and supports knowledge being embedded in long term memory.
Below you will find our curriculum progress ladders which help us ensure we teach age appropriate knowledge which builds on previous learning. Because at South Petherwin our classes contain a number of year groups, we use a detailed rolling programme to support us in delivering this curriculum. There is a 2 year rolling programme in place for KS1 and for KS2.
Our curriculum progress ladders include tier 3 vocabulary to support children's vocabulary development and we have recently adopted progression maps for oracy. These can be found below.
Assessing the wider curriculum and embedding knowledge in long term memory
To help us support all children to progress well in the wider curriculum subjects, whatever their starting points, we use formative assessment over the course of a unit of work to help shape the learning. These formative assessment opportunties are then used to form a summative judgement at the end of the unit which captures to what extent children have achieved the planned learning objectives. This is captured on subject assessment ladders.
Formative assessment is an integral part of our lessons and is also designed to support children to recall knowledge, link it to other learning and help embed it in their long term memories.
Class forums provide an opportunity to share what children have learned and what helped them to be successful.
Values and purposes underpinning the curriculum of South Petherwin School
‘Learning Today to Change Tomorrow’
All members of this school community - children, teaching and support staff, parents, governors - are committed to:
Developing every child, equipping them to contribute positively to the future and striving to be the best they can be by:
establishing a ‘can do’ approach to life-long learning and embracing change,
encouraging children to be resilient, take risks and rise to a challenge,
promoting emotional wellbeing through a sustainable, healthy and well-managed lifestyle,
and respecting the environment.
Providing opportunities for all learners to fulfil their potential within a safe, secure and inspirational environment by:
establishing a culture of high expectation,
making learning fun,
and valuing all individuals for their contributions and successes,
appreciating that mistakes are a valuable part of the process of learning,
enabling children to learn more and remember more in a knowledge rich curriculum
Raising achievement through memorable wow moments, as a result of quality teaching and learning, underpinned by:
an irresistible cross-curricular broad, balanced and creative curriculum,
a rich vocabulary,
putting reading at the heart,
outdoor learning,
celebrating our local area and Cornish heritage,
and nurturing individual interests, gifts and talents.
Making kindness, tolerance, understanding, compassion and action for others a priority; taking responsibility to make the world a better place by:
recognising the need for everyone to apply their skills for the sake of others and establishing an outward looking culture of care,
embracing all within the wider community,
working in co-operative partnership with others, beyond the school walls to as far as we can reach,
and understanding of need, injustice and promoting inclusion for all.