Physical Education
Our vision at South Petherwin Primary School is learning today to change tomorrow - to ensure all children are inspired to engage, enjoy and participate in physical education and sport. Together we aim to improve health and well-being, promote active participation and lifelong learning to support healthy lifestyles for each child to fulfil their potential and enjoy being active. We work hard to provide high quality lessons and extra-curricular activities.
Our Curriculum
A wide range of PE is delivered to the pupils, which aims to engage and inspire all children. Lessons are taught by our class teachers and some are delivered by high quality sports coaches. All classes engage in a minimum of 2 hours high quality PE a week.
Our Active Timetable
In order to ensure we make the most of our school day we have an active timetable set up, this allows all children to access the essential 30 minutes of active time every day. Activities on our active timetable include; A mile a day, Jump Start Jonny, BBC Super Movers, wake & shake, fun fit and a range of other activities that are timetabled between 12pm-12:15pm on a daily basis and scattered throughout the rest of the school day. Take a look at the timetable below to see what day each class completes each activity.
Swimming Lessons
We are very excited and pleased to be able to deliver swimming lessons to classes 3 and 4 at Phoenix Leisure Centre throughout the year. As swimming is such an important life skill, especially as we live in Cornwall surrounded by the sea, we are delighted to increase the children's opportunities to learn to swim/ develop their swimming skills. We are also delighted Class 2 are able to join 2 of the sessions to develop water confidence prior to lessons in class 3 and 4.
Our extra-curricular programme is extensive and includes a range of after school clubs, a leadership programme and intra-school and inter school competition. The majority of our after school clubs are run by our committed teaching staff and are free of charge. Our current programme throughout the year includes football, netball, tag rugby, bike ability, tennis, nature/ wild tribe, gardening, running/ cross county, dance and construction.
A very high proportion of our children attend and participate in our after school clubs. We are committed to targeting those not attending after school clubs to encourage them to find alternative ways to develop healthy lifestyles.
We will have school football, netball, tag rugby, cricket, cross country, multi skills and athletics teams this year which will compete in a range of inter school events. We also know that lots of our children attend other physically active clubs outside of the school which we encourage and love to hear about.
Health and Well Being
We have been awarded healthy schools status for a number of years. As a school we encourage healthy snacks at play time and within lunch boxes, the children have great opportunities to access a range of physical clubs. We work together to ensure and raise the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.
For information on Cornwall Healthy Schools visit the website which is: