Joining the School
All admissions are handled by Cornwall County Council. To apply for a space, or for further information, please click here. We are a popular school and are oversubscribed every year so please make every effort to apply on time.
We hope our prospectus gives you a brief flavour of the school.
Further information can be found in the 'frequently asked questions' section below or feel free to contact us.
Frequently asked questions
Uniform & Equipment
Q. What is the school’s uniform?
Royal Blue Sweatshirt/Fleece/Cardigan with school logo
White shirt or blouse/polo shirt
Black, grey or white socks/tights
Black grey trousers/shorts/skirts/pinafore
Blue/White checked Summer dress
Children will also need a book bag
Q. What should be worn for PE?
Black/Navy blue P.E. Shorts
Plain blue polo-shirt with/without the school logo
All children will need a named PE kit bag
All uniform/equipment items must be clearly named
Q. Where can I buy school uniform and PE Kit?
School uniform is available from PMG Schoolwear. Staff in the school office will be able to help you in the order process and samples are available to try for correct size.
Q. Can jewellery be worn in school?
The only items of jewellery allowed are stud earrings and watches. Watches must be removed for PE/games.
Q. Can items from home (e.g. toys and books) come into school?
We do not encourage children to bring toys, books or possessions from home unless it is for a learning or class purpose. We do not want items to be lost, stolen or damaged. Your child’s teacher will let them know when they are able to bring particular items in e.g. for show and tell sessions.
Q. What should I do if my child loses something at school?
Check with the class teacher in case the item is still in the classroom/cloakroom. Lost property is located in the entrance hall.
If the item is named it is much more likely to be located successfully.
Food & Drink
Q. What are the options for lunch?
Children can bring in a packed lunch or have a healthy and nutritious hot school dinner. Children will be asked during morning registration to confirm the meal option for the day. School dinners are cooked on the premises with a termly menu sent home detailing the daily meal choices.
We expect children to eat all the food they are provided at lunchtime (including fruit and veg) to ensure they have good levels of energy for learning in the afternoon.
Free school meals are provided for all children in Classes 1 and 2 and for children of parents in receipt of certain state benefits. An application form for free school meals must be completed. These are available from the main reception office.
Q. What can children eat at morning playtime?
Children in the Foundation class and Key Stage 1 (Classes 1 and 2) are provided with a free piece of fruit to eat as a snack at playtime (10.45am). Pupils in Key Stage 2 (Classes 3 and 4) are encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit or similarly healthy snack for playtime.
Q. Can children bring a drink into school?
We encourage children to bring a named water bottle to school. Your child is encouraged to drink water regularly throughout the day. At lunchtime there are water jugs to have with the school meal and packed lunches.
Q. Can children bring in sweets or cake to celebrate a birthday or holiday?
Due to our “Healthy School” status we believe that sweets or cakes to celebrate a birthday or brought back from holiday are not an appropriate way to promote healthy living. Due to the high number of food allergies amongst pupils it is also difficult to safely screen food items brought in.
Q. What should I do if my child is too ill to come to school?
Please contact the office on the first day of sickness, ideally before 9.15am. We have an answer phone operating when the office is not staffed so you can leave a message out of school hours. If we do not hear from you we will contact you during the course of the morning to check the whereabouts of your child.
Q. How soon after illness can my child return to school?
Please do not send your child back to school until they are fully recovered as we do not have the staff or facilities to look after sick children. Children who have been suffering from sickness and/or diarrhoea should not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness. Children who have been prescribed new medication or antibiotics should also not attend school for at least 24 hours after the first dose. This is to prevent problems if side effects or an allergic reaction should occur. Please check with your doctor as to whether or not an illness in contagious.
Q. What do I need to do if my child takes medication during the school day?
You must complete a medication form available from the office and leave the medication with the school staff who will keep it in a safe place. We generally only administer medicine/medication that has been prescribed by a medical practitioner.
Q. How will I find out if my child has had an accident at school?
All of the school staff are trained in First Aid. Minor bumps, scrapes and accidents are dealt with as soon as possible. An appropriate slip/letter will be sent home if required. If a child suffers a head injury parents will receive a specific “bumped head” slip with details of the incident. If we have any serious concerns we contact parents/carers immediately.
Q. What should I do if my child has head lice?
It is important that the head lice are treated before sending your child to school. A pharmacist can recommend the must up to date and effective treatment. Please inform the school quickly so that a general letter can be sent out warning parents that their child may have come into contact with head lice.
Charging & School Trips
Q. Do I have to pay for school trips?
When your child is involved in a trip or other school event a voluntary contribution is requested to cover the cost on the understanding that if insufficient funds are received the activity may not take place.
Attendance & Punctionality
Q. What time can my child arrive at school?
Children can enter the playground when duty staff arrive at 8.40am. If they are waiting in the playground prior to this time they must be accompanied by a parent/carer. The school can only take a supervisory responsibility from 8.40am onwards.
Q. What time does the bell go in the morning?
The first bell goes at 8.55am. At this time pupils line up in their classes and are collected from the playground by staff. Registers are then taken in class with the first learning session starting from 9.05am.
Q. What should I do if I arrive late for school?
If you arrive after 8.55am you must take your child to the main school office. Children who arrive after 9.10am will be marked as “late”.
Q. What time should I collect my child at the end of the day?
Parents may wait to collect their child/children from the area at the back of the school (near the trim trail) playground. Classes 1 and 2 will be dismissed from their classroom doors at 3.00 and Classes 3 and 4 will be brought out by their class teachers at 3.15pm. Please do not wait on the school site prior to these times.
Q. What should I do if my child has a dentists/doctor appointment?
Please try to notify the school office prior to the appointment. We will need to see an appointment card or letter. On the day of the appointment you must come to the main school office to collect your child. No children will be allowed to leave the school premises during school hours unless collected. We expect pupils to return to school after the appointment if possible.
Q. What should I do if my child needs time off from school for non-health reasons?
If you want to take your child out of school during term time then you must complete a request form. The Headteacher will consider the application using our Attendance Policy as guidance. A valid “exceptional” reason must be provided for the absence request and the Headteacher is not allowed to authorise holidays. If the reason is of a personal nature then it is better to speak to the Headteacher directly.
Q. What is unauthorised absence?
The school is required to keep an accurate record of absences. If your child is away from school this must be recorded as a particular type of absence (e.g. illness, medical appointment etc.). An absence is classified as unauthorised when no valid reason is provided for the absence by the parent/carer. Unauthorised absences are passed onto the Education Welfare Officer.
Parent & School Collaboration
Q. How will the school keep me informed?
We will keep you informed in lots of ways. There is a weekly newsletter which will keep you up to date with the latest school news. It is sent home with oldest children and is also placed on the school website every Friday.
There is a termly “Parents Evening” which will inform you of your child’s learning progress and required next steps.
Each year group has a “Class page” on the website which provides information on the curriculum being delivered each term (including a “Term Learning Overview”) plus updates from pupils about aspects of learning.
A comprehensive written “End of Year Report” detailing your child’s attainment, progress and learning attitude is sent out to parents towards the end of the summer term.
Specific letters and forms will be sent home as required.
Class teachers will often contact parents individually to deal with particular issues.
Q. What do I do if I want to talk to a teacher?
You can catch your child’s class teacher at the end of the school day, book appointments to see them via the main school office or phone before/after school. If it is not a convenient time to talk then the teacher will arrange a more suitable time at a mutually agreeable date. We want parents to be pro-active in their child’s education so welcome the chance to discuss issues with you.
Q. How often do parent evenings take place?
You will be invited to attend a parent’s meeting once a term. You will receive an appointment time to meet with the class teacher. If you are unable to make the schedule date class teachers will happily arrange an alternative.
Q. How often will my child get an academic report and what will it tell me?
Normally it will be produced once a year towards the end of the summer term. It will provide parents with levels of attainment, rates of learning progress and detail learning targets for the following year. Your child’s attendance and its impact on their learning will also be part of the report. A parent’s evening is available after the reports have gone home to discuss the report in more detail with the class teacher. All reports are monitored by the Headteacher.
Q. How do I find out about school clubs?
A form will be sent home at the beginning of each term. Further details are on the school website.
Q. How often will my child bring homework home?
Details about homework can be found on the individual “Class Page” on the school website.
Q. What can I do if I have a compliment or complaint?
The main means of communication with the class teacher is usually through direct contact.
If you have a concern that cannot be resolved with the class teacher, or want to ensure that your satisfaction with something is more widely known, the next point of call is Headteacher.
Beyond this more informal process you can state your compliment or complaint in writing. This will generate formal consideration by the Headteacher/and or Chair of Governors and where appropriate reference to the Governing Body. Historically this last stage has been rarely used as parents generally agree that staff are easily approachable and issues can be resolved at a very early stage.