Joining the School


All admissions are handled by Cornwall County Council.  To apply for a space, or for further information, please click here. We are a popular school and are oversubscribed every year so please make every effort to apply on time.


We hope our prospectus gives you a brief flavour of the school.  


Further information can be found in the 'frequently asked questions' section below or feel free to contact us.

Frequently asked questions

Uniform & Equipment

Q. What is the school’s uniform?

 Children will also need a book bag

Q. What should be worn for PE?

Q. Where can I buy school uniform and PE Kit?

Q.  Can jewellery be worn in school?

Q.  Can items from home (e.g. toys and books) come into school?

Q. What should I do if my child loses something at school?

Food & Drink

Q.  What are the options for lunch?

Q.  What can children eat at morning playtime?

Q. Can children bring a drink into school?

 Q.  Can children bring in sweets or cake to celebrate a birthday or holiday?


Q.  What should I do if my child is too ill to come to school?

 Q.  How soon after illness can my child return to school?

 Q.  What do I need to do if my child takes medication during the school day?

 Q.  How will I find out if my child has had an accident at school?

 Q.  What should I do if my child has head lice?

Charging & School Trips

Q.  Do I have to pay for school trips?

Attendance & Punctionality

 Q.  What time can my child arrive at school?

 Q.  What time does the bell go in the morning?

 Q.  What should I do if I arrive late for school?

 Q.  What time should I collect my child at the end of the day?

 Q.  What should I do if my child has a dentists/doctor appointment?

 Q.  What should I do if my child needs time off from school for non-health reasons?

 Q.  What is unauthorised absence?

Parent & School Collaboration

Q.  How will the school keep me informed?

 Q.  What do I do if I want to talk to a teacher?

 Q.  How often do parent evenings take place?

 Q.  How often will my child get an academic report and what will it tell me?

 Q.  How do I find out about school clubs?

 Q.  How often will my child bring homework home?

 Q.  What can I do if I have a compliment or complaint?