Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club


From 7.45 to 8.40am


We operate a popular Breakfast Club which is available to all pupils, enabling parents and carers to take up employment or training opportunities, which would otherwise be difficult to manage.

Our Breakfast Club children arrive at 7.45am and enjoy stimulating activities and tastey cereals before they join the children in the playground at 8.40am.

 Cost: £4 per child (a discount of £1 will be given per additional sibling). 

After School Care


After School club (1500 Club) will run from 1510 (3.10pm) until 1745 (5.45pm) Mon - Thurs and until 1700 (5pm) on a Friday

The cost of the 1500 club is as follows: 

1510 - 1600 £3

1600 - 1700 £4

1700 - 1745 £5 (This last Slot must be pre-booked at least a week in advance and cannot be booked on the day)

(A sibling discount of £1 will be applied)

Please book in advance by emailing or telephoning the office.